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Recruiting in China and Europe: key differences and tips for adapting

Recruiting in China and Europe: key differences and tips for adapting Recruitment is a key success factor for companies. It is no longer enough just to find talent, you also need to be able to attract and retain it. The aim of this article is to compare the recruitment processes in China and Europe in...

China opens opportunities for foreign-owned hospital operations: What foreign healthcare companies should know

China opens opportunities for foreign-owned hospital operations: What foreign healthcare companies should know Foreign-owned companies can now direct clinical operations and open 100% foreign owned hospitals in some Chinese cities. On September 7th 2024, China’s Ministry of Commerce, National Health Commission and the National Medical Products Administration announced the opening up the medical sector and,...

Press release: Daxue Consulting joins VVR International

Press release: Daxue Consulting joins VVR International Press release Consulting and business services - China / Asia Daxue Consulting joins VVR International Paris / Shanghai, July 25, 2024 - Daxue Consulting, a market research and strategy consulting firm that has supported over 400 clients in China and Asia since 2012, and VVR International, a consulting...

Cosmetics regulations in China: What foreign brands need to know

Cosmetics regulations in China: What foreign brands need to know The Chinese cosmetics market has become a major global player, attracting many foreign brands. However, setting up a successful business in China requires a thorough understanding of the strict regulations that govern the sector. This article examines the key regulations concerning cosmetics ingredients in China,...

The cultural and creative industries market in China

The cultural and creative industries market in China China plays a central role in international trade, industry and technology, and now also in art and culture. Indeed, since the early 2000s, aware of the potential of these fields for the country's economic growth and influence around the world, the Chinese government has been supporting the...

The Cosmetics Market in China: developments and outlook

The Cosmetics Market in China: developments and outlook The China Beauty Expo (CBE) 2024, held in Shanghai from 22 to 24 May, brought together more than 10,000 brands and 70,000 beauty products, from global giants such as L'Oréal and Shiseido to trendy niche brands and national leaders such as Proya and Bloomage Biotech. More than...

China: The New Frontiers of HR Management

China: The New Frontiers of HR Management Human resource management in China is not only about administration and recruitment, but also about digital transformation, corporate culture and innovation. To succeed in the Chinese market, European companies need to understand and embrace these new dynamics.   This article aims to take you to the heart of...

Navigating the New Wave of Opportunities: M&A Expansion in China

Navigating the New Wave of Opportunities: M&A Expansion in China The Chinese market, with its impressive growth trajectory, has established itself as fertile ground for mergers and acquisitions (M&A), creating a landscape rich in opportunities for international companies ready to venture in. In 2023, the data reveals a dynamic M&A scene, marked by figures that...

Everything You Need to Know About Outstaffing and PEO Services in China

Everything You Need to Know About Outstaffing and PEO Services in China Outstaffing and Professional Employer Organization services, while commonplace in many countries, take on a special dimension in China. With its booming economy and ever-evolving market, China has become a popular destination for many foreign companies looking to expand their international presence. But setting...

The calendar of holidays in China for 2024

The calendar of holidays in China for 2024 The Chinese year is rich in celebrations that present real opportunities for businesses. Traditional festivals, celebrations and commemorations are special occasions for people to come together. These key dates in the Chinese calendar are accompanied by a peak in consumption of refined foods, cosmetics and other luxury...

Outstaffing and PEO service in China: Legal news to know

Outstaffing and PEO service in China: Legal news to know Professional Employer Organization PEO service in China is an advantageous solution for foreign companies wishing to establish themselves in this dynamic market. As the economy is constantly evolving and the legal framework is rapidly adapting, it is crucial for companies to be aware of the...

Commercial success in China: Know Your Consumers

Commercial success in China: Know Your Consumers The Chinese market may seem vast, but it is far from homogeneous. So while there are real opportunities for many business sectors, it is essential to study the structure of this market and its dynamics in advance. Indeed, if you want to do business in China for the...

Strategies for standing out in the ultra-competitive Chinese market

Strategies for standing out in the ultra-competitive Chinese market The Chinese market is attractive, but with aggressive local competition and consumers with ever-higher expectations, how can a foreign company really stand out and win the trust of Chinese consumers? In this article, we'll explore some proven tips for succeeding in this dynamic and sometimes unforgiving...

Recruiting in China: Avoid classic mistakes

Recruiting in China: Avoid classic mistakes Entering the Chinese market requires a well-thought-out strategy, especially when it comes to recruitment. The Chinese market is not only vast, it's also complex to understand. Navigating the Chinese business landscape without making mistakes can seem like a daunting task. But with the right information and careful preparation, it's...

Journey to the Heart of China’s Major Business Cities

Journey to the Heart of China's Major Business Cities With its sustained growth and immense market potential, China has become a popular destination for many foreign companies. However, the country is vast, and each city is a universe in itself, with its own peculiarities and opportunities. The art of succeeding in China lies not only...

Regenerative Medicine, the Coming Revolution of Cancer Treatment

Regenerative Medicine, the Coming Revolution of Cancer Treatment In the relentless pursuit of cancer treatment, one field is poised to revolutionize our approach: regenerative medicine. This isn't just another incremental advance; it is a paradigm shift in how we understand and treat cancer. This article will guide you through the intricacies of regenerative medicine, its...

Efficient Recruitment and Portage : Rapid and Successful Deployment in China

Efficient Recruitment and Portage : Rapid and Successful Deployment in China The Chinese market offers strong economic potential and is attractive to international companies. However, there are a number of hurdles that need to be overcome in order to be successful. Firstly, recruitment is one of the biggest challenges for companies looking to set up...

The potential of biomarkers for early diagnosis

The potential of biomarkers for early diagnosis Imagine a world where debilitating diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's, or heart ailments can be identified before they manifest symptoms, allowing for treatments that are not just less invasive but also significantly more effective. The technology that holds the promise to turn this vision into reality is already among...

Portage vs setting up a business in China: The duel

Portage vs setting up a business in China: The duel Once the Chinese market has been identified as a real opportunity, there are two main strategies for accelerating your business development in China: portage and setting up a local company. While China continues to be a popular destination for international expansion due to its vast...

Success in China: Managing your local teams brilliantly

Success in China: Managing your local teams brilliantly China, with its dynamic economy and large population, offers countless opportunities for foreign companies looking to expand their global presence. Yet succeeding in China is about more than simply bringing products or services to market. At the heart of this success lies the ability to manage local...

Succeeding in China: Portage services to get started

Succeeding in China: Portage services to get started The Chinese market offers enormous opportunities for foreign companies. However, setting up in China can be a major challenge, especially when it comes to the legal and administrative aspects. That's where freelance administration comes in, as a flexible and effective solution to facilitate your entry or expansion...

Advancing Frontiers: The Rise of Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques

Advancing Frontiers: The Rise of Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques In the realm of medical science, the evolution from open surgical procedures to minimally invasive surgical techniques marks a significant stride towards better patient care and enhanced operational efficiency. This shift not only epitomizes the advancement of medical technology but also mirrors the relentless pursuit of...

Unveiling New Horizons: AI in Medical Diagnosis for Global Expansion

Unveiling New Horizons: AI in Medical Diagnosis for Global Expansion In the dynamic realm of healthcare, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary force, particularly in the domain of medical diagnosis. By combining the power of sophisticated algorithms with clinical insights, AI facilitates quicker and more accurate diagnostic processes, to the benefit of the...

New Tech Applied in China’s Healthcare Industry

On 24 August, Irénée Robin, director and co-founder of VVR Medical, took part in the "New Tech Applied In China's Healthcare Industry" round table organised by La French Tech Shanghai. This article looks back at Irénée's speech, during which he shared advice for medical technology companies wishing to succeed in the Chinese market. Passionate about...

How do you pay for your purchases when travelling in China? The guide, by VVR International

China leads the way in the use of electronic payments in Asia and worldwide In China, the preferred method of payment has shifted from cash to mobile payment, to the detriment of credit cards. Indeed, China is now the world leader in the use of payment via mobile phone applications. Alipay and WeChat Pay are...

China, dream or real market opportunity for French startups?

Last 4th April 2023, on the occasion of the SNITEM Start-up day, Irénée Robin, founder and partner of VVR Medical, expert of Chinese health market, was with the MEDICALLIANS experts from UK - Germany - France - USA - Middle East, to present the development opportunities in the main international health markets. During a workshop...

PEO in China: the beginning of a development strategy

PEO involves using a company based in China to provide physical and legal housing for a foreign or Chinese employee. It allows companies that do not have an office in China to recruit and work with an employee locally. PEO solution is an important and sometimes decisive step to ensure a safe and successful development...

Interview with Camille Verchery, in the newletter of the Club Chine de l’EM Lyon

Camille Verchery, Director and Founder of VVR International, discusses the strengths and dynamics of the Chinese market and highlights the opportunities for French companies in an interview with the Club Chine de l'EM Lyon. ENERGY: AT THE HEART OF CHINA'S DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY First and foremost, Energy has become a strategic sector for China in just...

Interview of Irénée Robin, Managing Partner at VVR Medical, on Radio Television HK

[PODCAST] Medical innovations in China Mainland and HK : The opportunities for foreign companies Irénée Robin, Managing Partner at VVR Medical was present during the third Asia Summit on Global Health, in Hong Kong which brought stakeholders from healthcare experts to renowned academia and influential business leaders to explore opportunities in the healthcare sector. Irénée...

Happy New Year of the Metal Ox!

VVR International team wish you all the best for this Chinese New Year of the Metal Ox! Dear Friends, dear Partners, According to the Chinese calendar, 2020 was the year of the Rat, as we have not lost our sense of humor, we will say that 2020 was the year of the Pangolin... or the...


Here-under, the index rate of raw materials in China throughout the last 6 months. Available in PDF : Download Newsletter VVR 2019 MAY VVRParis, France 6 passage Tenaille, 75014 Paris +33 1 42 93 45 81 contact@vvrinternational.com VVRShanghai, Chine 14# Shanghai Garden Phase Ⅰ, 7888 Humin Road, Minhang District +86 21 3422 7164 103 contact@vvrchina.com VVRGuangzhou,...


Subtitle   The seventh China Information Technology Expo took place between the 9 and the 11th of April 2019 in Shenzhen. In this event which gathered the World leaders of technologies, the visitors could discover and try the news and innovation like the Youxiaomei robot of the that served cups of tea. Although the exhibitors...


Ci-dessous, une liste des salons qui auront lieu en Chine début 2019. Ne manquez pas ces rendez-vous dans votre secteur d’activité ! Juin 3-5 juin -BUILDEX CHINA 2019- Shanghai 3-6 juin -AQUATECH CHINA 2019- Shanghai 3-6 juin -SNEC 13th (2019) International Photovoltaic Power - Shanghai 4-6 juin -TOPWINE CHINA 2019- Beijing 9-11 juin -EC EXPO 2019- Beijing 9-12 juin...

The VVR International activity in short

Overview of the year 2018 and perspectives for the year 2019 According to Camille Verchery, CEO of VVR International, “2018 was a very interesting year that saw a lot of projects achieved. On the industrial front, the essential of the VVR International activity focused on the negotiation of strategic partnerships and on the support of...

Digitalizing your company in China

Not merely a tech-business China seems well ahead on the digitization road: use of new technologies in services (e.g. the mobile payments) , use of artificial intelligence and big data analysis in decision-making (e.g. the Court of Hangzhou), consumers’ behaviors (e.g. the shared bikes), public investments (cf VVR’s article on smart energies)… As a consequence...


First, second, third and fourth-tier cities A May 2018 report by Morgan Stanley asserts that the future of China’s growth (by 2030) will lie within lower-tier cities (namely the third and fourth-tier). It is more and more common to see economic analyses regarding China make use of this urban classification. While being a useful analytical...


Here-under, the index rate of raw materials in China throughout the last 6 months. Available in PDF : Download Newsletter VVR 2018 NOVEMBER Ask us your questions Press release: Daxue Consulting joins VVR InternationalPress release: Daxue Consulting joins VVR International Press release Consulting and business services - China / Asia Daxue Consulting joins VVR International Paris...


Taobao : It is Alibaba’s e-commerce platform, launched back in 2003. This C2C platform gathers today over 500 millions of active users. Besides, they also developed a B2C platform in 2008 called T-Mall. These two platforms saw the transaction of some 3 trillion yuans over the year 2017. It is very likely that a large part...


October is a special month in China: because of the Mid-Autumn festival and the National Day (the 1st of October), Chinese enjoy a week-long holiday.  Some go on travelling, but most still use this rare holiday time to gather with their family. Life in China follows a calendar quite different from the Western one… This...


With many Europeans coming back from holidays, their minds full of travel memories, we suggest staying in this ambiance, and to learn this month about how products now travel between Europe and China. Since the President XI Jinping unveiled the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative in 2013, most commentators agree to qualify this gigantic...


What is in it for European brands? Today, no need to be in China to sell in China. 58 million of new Chinese consumers adopted e-commerce in 2017 Among the astonishing figures about e-commerce in China released last May (1.130 trillion USD of sales on Internet in 2017, 40% of the products being international products),...


Last week, temperatures went up to 35° in Shanghai and Guangzhou, and reached 40° in Beijing… Summer and its dog days are back in China! For more and more Chinese, it is time to enjoy a cool beer, beer that comes as a huge opportunity for European breweries: imported beers are increasingly popular among Chinese...


Two stories about tea and dairy products The conclusions of the governmental report that was released in May at the E-commerce Convention in Beijing came as no surprise: e-commerce transactions grew by 11,7% in 2017. Several facts were as well underlined in this report: the outstanding development of the cross-border e-commerce (+120% in cross-border imports),...


China’s 1.4 billion-large population is getting richer and older, creating one of the potentially most profitable market for pharmaceuticals, an industry where Western companies’ R&D has still no Chinese equivalent. In 2016, China becomes the second largest market worldwide for medicines, with a market worth 110 billion USD. Yet, this market is still not mature...


Smart energy solutions must be discussed when one tries to understand the current Chinese economic environment. In three of our publications already, we described Chinese engagements in electric cars, green buildings and renewable energies, and we showed the challenges that the Chinese authorities faced to fulfill these commitments. In this April article, we offer you...


Much has already been written on China’s plan to become an Artificial Intelligence (AI)’s world leader by 2030. These two trendy words also appear almost daily in the Chinese media and political communication. Thus, based on the analysis of governmental plan and the reading of the relevant press, this article seeks to depict today’s actual...


Chinese people are getting ready for the dog’s year, French President Macron offered a horse to his Chinese counterpart, yet another Chinese sign is drawing the attention of French exporters to China: the beef. During his official visit, Emmanuel Macron announced the total lift of the Chinese embargo on bovine meat “within six months”. The...


New sales record for Chinese giant Alibaba Alibaba hit a new sales record on November 11th, 2017 or Singles’ day. The Chinese e-commerce giant reported that sales during what has become over the last decade the world’s biggest shopping day amounted to $25.3 billion, a 40 percent jump compared to the same period last year....


VVR International's CEO Camille Verchery speaks for Classe Export Since 2013, a susbstantial number of French firms of a certain size have been willing to acquire Chinese SMEs or ISEs (Intermediate-Sized Enterprises), whose turnover is between 5 and 50 million Euros. This trend is creating a basis of a true bilateral evolution of the market....


Is cash an endangered species? China is no exception. On the contrary. It even stays one step ahead of the Western countries. If the latter still enjoy their credit/debit card payments, the Chinese have skipped this stage and gone straight to mobile payment. All in all in just five years. Paying with a smartphone just...


China bites off more than it can chew When it comes to renewable energies, China seems to be insatiable. In a decade, the country has become the world leader in renewable energy production, surpassing the United States last year, according to the latest BP Statistical Review of World Energy. China is currently contributing about 40...


Restoring the Silk Road. On May 14th and 15th, China held its first international forum devoted to the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) project, bringing together some 100 country representatives in Beijing. Launched by Chinese President Xi Jingping in late 2013, the initiative aims to revive the ancient Silk Road, a huge network of land...

China’s growing electric vehicle market

Foreigners hit speed bumps. China is expected to reach 7 million new energy domestic vehicle (NEV) sales by 2025, according to Beijing’s 13th Five-Year Plan, finalized in 2015. Chinese NEV sales – the term China uses to refer to battery-electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids and fuel-cell cars – totaled 951,477 units between January 2011 and December...


China is the world’s largest green building market. With more than 1 billion square feet of certified green, sustainable building space, China has now surpassed the United States. It only took China half the time – about 10 years, compared to the US. China aims for a 50 percent commercial green building rate by 2020,...


The current economic situation is pushing the organizations to designate export as the leading way to save the country. SME’s are considered as the spearhead of this strategy of external development. In this context, some developing countries with high growth rate have become the targets for export and China is obviously a part of it....


Here-under a list of exhibitions happening during 2019 in China. Check out the rendez-vous not to miss in your own business sector! June June 3-5 -BUILDEX CHINA 2019- Shanghai June 3-6 -AQUATECH CHINA 2019- Shanghai June 3-6 -SNEC 13th (2019) International Photovoltaic Power - Shanghai June 4-6 -TOPWINE CHINA 2019- Beijing June 9-11 -EC EXPO 2019- Beijing June...