Established in 1999, V.V.R. International is a consulting and service company who supports European businesses in their industrial and economic development in China.
Our core business is to secure and strengthen our clients’ development in China.
For 23 years, V.V.R. International has been managing more than 950 projects in China in around 20 different sectors. Among them, we achieved more than 250 projects of commercial development (strategic diagnosis, development of commercial networks, recruitment and set-up of commercial structures…), some 300 projects of industrial partnerships (strategic diagnosis, transfer of technology, Joint-Venture, fundraising, merger and acquisition…), and 400 projects of purchasing and quality control (sourcing, audit, product development, quality control).
In 2019, VVR managed more than 165M EUR of turnover between Europe and China.
The VVR RH department offers foreign companies wishing to consolidate their presence in China a range of customized solutions, including traditional HR services (consulting, organizational diagnostics, recruitment, coaching, etc.) and a range of operational services to assist companies in the day-to-day management of their teams in China, without the need to set up a local legal entity (incubation, wage portage, domiciliation, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Labor Dispatch Service, etc.).
VVR RH draws on over 20 years’ experience in HR services in China, a strong Sino-European team, all the necessary licenses and 4 offices in major Chinese cities to provide companies with the best HR solutions in China.
VVR medical
Active in the medical and healthcare industry since 2008, VVR International established VVR Medical in 2018, run by a dedicated team of 8 people dedicated to European innovators in medical technology and diagnostics
VVR Team

Irénée ROBIN
Managing Partner VVR Medical

Jean-Luc ADDA
Financial Director
VVR International

VVR China

VVR Shijiazhuang Office

VVR Shanghai Office

CHEN Minyu
VVR Canton Office

YU JiaXin
Financial Director
VVR China
VVR China’s offices