Category: Commercial development

Cosmetics regulations in China: What foreign brands need to know

Cosmetics regulations in China: What foreign brands need to know

The Chinese cosmetics market has become a major global player, attracting many foreign brands. However, setting up a successful business in China requires a thorough understanding of the strict regulations that govern the sector. This article examines the key regulations concerning cosmetics ingredients in China, their importation, marketing and commercialisation, with a particular focus on the implications for foreign brands.

The new CSAR regulations

On 1 January 2021, China introduced a new global regulatory framework for cosmetics: the Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Regulation (CSAR). This regulation replaces the old rules dating back to 1989 and aims to improve the safety, quality and efficacy of cosmetic products on the Chinese market. The CSAR introduces an obligation to assess the safety of each product and strengthens control throughout the product life cycle. The regulation also introduces new requirements for efficacy claims and new definitions and classifications for cosmetic products and their ingredients.

Although the CSAR has officially been in force since 2021, its full implementation is being phased in gradually until 2024, with the introduction of additional implementing regulations. The list of prohibited ingredients drawn up by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), for example, has been regularly amended and extended since 21 March 2024 to include 5 new ingredients. At the same time, the testing protocols have been modified and will come into force in December 2024. This change introduces 11 new test methods and revises 3 already in use.

From 1 May 2024, all cosmetic products marketed in China will have to undergo a full safety assessment, replacing the simplified version currently accepted.

The inventory of cosmetic ingredients (IECIC 2021) has been updated. It lists the 8783 authorised ingredients. Safety data for all new ingredients must be submitted to the authorities. The aim of this regulatory update is to better control the quality and safety of cosmetics imported or produced in China, in a fast-growing market.

Importation of Cosmetic Products

Product registration :

Before importing cosmetic products into China, foreign brands must register their products with the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA). This process can be complex and time-consuming, requiring the submission of detailed technical files, safety tests and compliance with local standards. For example, so-called ‘special cosmetics’ (such as sun protection products, hair dyes and hair loss products) must be registered and tested, a process that can take several months.

Animal Testing Requirements :

Historically, China required animal testing for all imported cosmetics, which posed an ethical problem for many international brands. Since May 2021, so-called “ordinary” cosmetics (such as skin care products, hygiene products and make-up) can be exempted from this requirement if certain conditions are met, such as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification by the country of origin.

Marketing and Sales

Advertising regulations :

All products, whether sold on the domestic market (offline or online) or on cross-border e-commerce (CBEC), must comply with Chinese advertising laws. Claims requiring administrative approval from the Chinese government are not permitted without the corresponding certificate. For example, cosmetics advertised as being for sensitive skin or simply improving skin elasticity must undergo efficacy tests on humans or consumer tests to assess the efficacy claim.

Product Supervision Solution
Cosmetics with general claims: moisturising, anti-oxidant, etc. Less strict Regulatory restrictions can be avoided by using alternative arguments
Cosmetics with specific claims: sensitive skin, etc. Very strict supervision Sanctions will be applied if these claims are not accompanied by efficacy tests on humans or consumer tests.

 Sales channels :

  • Cross Border E-Commerce: Supervised by the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC), trademarks will be reported to the local authorities by anti-counterfeiting professionals against the illegal use of arguments.
  • Domestic market: Overseen by the State Administration for Market Regulation, advertising and designations are strictly supervised.

Ingredients and Formulation

List of Prohibited and Restricted Ingredients :

The NMPA maintains a list of prohibited and restricted ingredients in cosmetic products. Brands must ensure that their formulations comply with this list. For example, certain preservatives and colourings commonly used in other markets may be banned in China.

Certification of Ingredients :

Brands must also provide detailed information on the ingredients used in their products, including certificates of analysis and evidence of safety. New substances used in cosmetic products must be approved by the NMPA before being placed on the market.

Labelling and Packaging

Labelling requirements :

Cosmetic products sold in China must comply with strict labelling requirements. This includes the translation into Chinese of all relevant information, such as the name of the product, the list of ingredients, instructions for use and precautions. In addition, the label must include the name and address of the Chinese importer, and of the responsible body in the event of an incident.

Mandatory information :

The label must also indicate the date of manufacture and the product’s shelf life. Cosmetics intended for children or people with sensitive skin must include specific warnings. Failure to comply with labelling requirements may result in products being withdrawn from the market.

Cosmetics advertising

Cosmetics advertising in China is subject to strict rules to protect consumers from misleading information and unsubstantiated claims.

Prohibitions on advertising :

  • Falsify or exaggerate the name, manufacturing method, ingredients, effectiveness or performance of cosmetic products.
  • Using another person’s name to guarantee or mislead others as to effectiveness.
  • Communicate medical effects or use medical terminology (e.g. cosmeceuticals, prescriptions, antibacterials, sterilisation, etc.).
  • Denigrate the similar products or services of other producers or operators.
  • Using or concealing the name or image of a State body or its staff.
  • Indicate or imply that the efficacy, quality or safety of cosmetic products have been recognised by the State authorities through registration, filing, certification and other activities of State bodies.

Authorised claims :

  • Advertisements must be consistent with the content of the product registration or filing documents. For example, a product registered in China as having a whitening function cannot use the argument of sun protection.
  • The following effects are authorised in China: hair dyeing, perming, freckle whitening, sunscreen, hair loss prevention, acne elimination, moisturising, anti-wrinkle, soothing, etc. Cosmetics claiming to have additional effects or to be suitable for specific groups must provide a special registration certificate.
  • The data and quotations used in advertising must be true and accurate, and the source must be indicated.

Restrictions on Terms and Claims :

  • It is forbidden to use terms such as “national level”, “superlative”, “best”, “first”, “premium”, “top”, “latest innovation”, “pure natural products”, “organic products”, “without side effects”, “food quality”, etc.
  • The arguments “gentle and non-irritating”, “sensitive skin”, “does not sting the eyes” require an assessment of efficacy, including human efficacy tests, consumer tests or laboratory tests.


The cosmetics market in China represents a considerable opportunity for foreign brands, but it is governed by strict regulations that can be complex. Understanding import, marketing, formulation and labelling requirements is essential for a successful and sustainable business. Despite the challenges, brands that are able to comply with regulations and adapt their marketing strategies to local preferences can thrive in this dynamic and growing market. With growing demand for beauty products and an increasingly sophisticated consumer population, China offers exciting prospects for the global cosmetics industry.

If you are interested in the cosmetics market in China and would like to find out more about consumer habits, Chinese regulations governing the import and sale of skincare products and cosmetics, or the role and importance of the responsible body, contact VVR International. Our experts in the field will be happy to answer your questions.

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The cultural and creative industries market in China

The cultural and creative industries market in China

China plays a central role in international trade, industry and technology, and now also in art and culture. Indeed, since the early 2000s, aware of the potential of these fields for the country’s economic growth and influence around the world, the Chinese government has been supporting the sector through a number of policies and massive investments. China’s creative and cultural industries are multiplying and diversifying their activities. The expansion of the middle class in China, accompanied by a general increase in purchasing power, is contributing to the growth of the cultural and entertainment sector. As per capita disposable income rises, people are more inclined to increase their spending on leisure, cultural and artistic outings. These dynamics support players in the sector and create new opportunities.

The emergence of the art and culture market in China

The contemporary art market

In the early 2000s, China’s economic expansion was accompanied by an opening up to the world of contemporary art. Marginal in the early 2000s, China is now at the centre of the world contemporary art market. By 2021, China will be the world leader in contemporary art, ahead of the United States, with a market share of nearly 35.5%.

This meteoric rise can be explained by a number of factors.  Between 2005 and 2008, the government introduced policies to make the contemporary art market more flexible and facilitate sales. The aim of these policies was to legitimise and promote Chinese contemporary art internationally. The aim was also to promote national creation within the country by lifting the ban on exhibiting works of contemporary art in public museums, which had been in place since 1989.

Over the last twenty years, an affluent class has developed and expanded. Made up of entrepreneurs, often urban dwellers with substantial incomes, this affluent class is developing a taste for art, which is expressed in leisure activities as well as in the purchase of works of art. In China, for example, the number of contemporary art collectors continues to grow. This dynamism is also illustrated by the significant growth in auction sales by internationally renowned Chinese artists such as the visual artist Zeng Fanzhi, born in 1964.

The arts and culture sector at the heart of China’s strategy

In recent years, the Chinese government has initiated a policy of financial support for the creation of public and private contemporary art museums across the country. These massive investments have helped to develop cultural infrastructures across the country: between 2000 and 2019, 42 new contemporary art museums were created. In addition to these public institutions, the State has also contributed to the opening of 88 private contemporary art museums over the same period.

Numerous public initiatives aimed at promoting the cultural and creative industries are being carried out at national, regional or local level, such as the creation of creative clusters in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai. At the heart of megacities with intense economic activity, the aim of these clusters is to bring together players and companies in the creative sector in a restricted area in order to create synergies, stimulate creativity and develop ambitious, innovative projects. These zones bring together companies in the sector and benefit from support to stimulate innovation.

This development of creative and exhibition spaces to showcase the country’s creative wealth has helped to boost the contemporary art market. Private players – art galleries and art centres – have multiplied, supported by the development of major contemporary art fairs such as Art Basel in Hong Kong, which bring together art market players, artists and collectors from all over the world . This combination of political will, the commitment of private players and the growing interest of the Chinese public is contributing to the dynamism of the arts and culture sector in China.

The creative and cultural sector: economic leverage and influence

The importance of the cultural and creative industry sector is not only economic, but also geopolitical. China is exporting more and more cultural products such as films, animation and visual arts to foreign markets. These exports help to promote Chinese culture around the world, strengthen its influence and shape a certain image of China.

A number of major international events take place in China every year, helping to establish its importance in the field of cultural creation. At the crossroads of entertainment, production and technology, video games occupy a strategic place in the Chinese economy and in its influence on the cultural and creative industry sector. The number of players involved and the number of dedicated events bear witness to its importance and dynamism. The China Joy (China Digital Entertainment Expo & Conference), for example, which takes place every year in Shanghai and brings together the main Chinese and international players in this creative industry, is considered to be one of the biggest video game trade fairs in Asia. At its 17th edition 5 years ago, China Joy brought together more than 1,360 Chinese and international exhibitors and attracted nearly 365,000 visitors. This success illustrates the importance of the video game and digital entertainment sector in China in recent years.

What opportunities are there for foreign cultural and creative industries (CCIs)?

For the year 2021, the Chinese government’s annual budget allocated to the “culture, tourism, sport and communication” sector was EUR 2.45 billion, with EUR 433.28 million allocated directly to culture and tourism (services, museums, halls, libraries, artistic dissemination, management).[6] This amount testifies to the importance of the sector in the Chinese economy. This vast market, with its many players and diverse activities, offers great opportunities for foreign companies. By contributing their know-how, their cultures and their unique artistic and cultural offerings, they have everything they need to establish themselves successfully in China.

There is strong demand for foreign cultural products in a wide range of fields, including live performance, music and the support and creation of large-scale cultural projects (galleries, fairs and museums). What’s more, the development of world-class cultural infrastructures and facilities initiated in the 2000s offers major opportunities for dissemination and the creation of partnerships.

Finally, despite certain regulatory constraints and the government’s sometimes cautious approach to foreign investment, China welcomes and encourages the growth of the cultural and creative industries through public funding, which is seen as a new economic and job-creation engine. Nevertheless, investing in the Chinese culture and entertainment market requires a prior understanding of its specific features and the rules that govern it, particularly the import quotas for foreign cultural content, which still limit opportunities.

Finally, products and services need to be adapted to the Chinese market, not only to match the tastes and practices of the target audience, but also to comply with the rules governing the creation and distribution of cultural content in China.


The cultural and creative industries market in China is flourishing. Boosted by public investment, the emergence of creative clusters and the middle class’s appetite for leisure and culture, accelerated by the digital transition, it is continuing to grow rapidly while becoming increasingly international.

Are you in the Cultural and Creative Industries sector? Are you interested in the Chinese market? Did you know that there is a development support programme in China dedicated to CCIs?

Download the Cultur’export China programme brochure here

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The Cosmetics Market in China: developments and outlook

The Cosmetics Market in China: developments and outlook

The China Beauty Expo (CBE) 2024, held in Shanghai from 22 to 24 May, brought together more than 10,000 brands and 70,000 beauty products, from global giants such as L’Oréal and Shiseido to trendy niche brands and national leaders such as Proya and Bloomage Biotech. More than 1,500 companies from the beauty supply chain were also present on 100,000 m² of exhibition space. This event is a showcase for the vitality of this sector in the Chinese market.

Indeed, the Chinese beauty market is growing by leaps and bounds, making it one of the most dynamic and lucrative in the world. With a population of over 1.4 billion and a rapidly expanding middle class, demand for beauty products continues to grow. This article explores the key factors behind this growth, as well as the emerging trends that are shaping this market.

Focus on the Chinese cosmetics market

Is the growth of the cosmetics market in China sustainable?

China has become the second largest cosmetics market in the world, just behind the United States. According to data from Statista, the Chinese cosmetics market will be worth more than 390 billion yuan (around $60 billion) in 2023. It is interesting to note that, although China is the world’s second largest market, per capita cosmetics consumption is significantly lower than that of US consumers. In fact, in 2022, the average American will spend $333 a year on beauty products, while the average Chinese will spend just $41. The growth potential of the Chinese market is therefore considerable.

However, following strong growth between 2018 and 2022, with an average annual growth rate of almost 10.7%, the market is expected to fall slightly to around 7% per year over the next 5 years. This expansion is underpinned by several factors:

Urbanisation and rising incomes:

Migration to urban areas and rising disposable incomes have led to increased demand for sophisticated beauty products.

Growing awareness of beauty and well-being:

Chinese consumers are attaching increasing importance to their personal appearance and well-being, boosting demand for skincare and make-up products. The dietary supplements market is also benefiting from this growing interest in well-being (for more information, see our dedicated article: The vitality of the dietary supplements market in China – VVR International, strategic development, production, sourcing, distribution… )

Influence of social media :

Social media platforms such as WeChat, DouYin, Weibo and Xiaohongshu play a crucial role in the emergence of trends and the promotion of cosmetic products. In China, livestreaming on social networks is enjoying considerable success. During these lives, influencers test, comment and advise their followers on new products to buy. These livestreams are very popular, and can generate a lot of sales! (For more information on social selling and its influence in China, see our article: Focus on the extraordinary phenomenon of social selling in China – VVR International, strategic development, production, sourcing, distribution…)

Among foreign brands, France, Japan and Korea are the main importers.

Since 2022, France has dominated the imported cosmetics market, with a market share of over 24%, or 36.4 billion yuan (around 5.6 billion dollars). In China, the premium cosmetics market has historically been largely held by foreign brands, while Chinese brands have mainly exported products with low added value, creating a trade deficit in this sector. In recent years, however, there has been an increase in the power and quality of domestic cosmetics brands.

The rise of Chinese brands:

Until the 2010s, the skincare and cosmetics market was largely held by foreign companies. In 2013, for example, they accounted for 72% of the make-up market, compared with 46% in 2022. Today, buoyed by changing consumer habits, local Chinese brands such as Giant Biogene (巨子生物), Syoung (水洋股份), Proya, Jahwa, BTN or even Bloomage Biotech are gaining in popularity, rivalling the international giants. Since 2020, they have held more than 50% of the local make-up market.

 This rapid development is due to three main factors:

  • Firstly, these brands have been able to adapt more quickly than foreign brands to new consumption patterns and changing demand. Being closer to their consumers, they have observed and understood their changing habits. What’s more, they are often smaller companies, more agile in organising R&D and implementing marketing plans, and able to adjust their prices more easily. Companies such as Perfect Diary, Florasis and Chando have managed to capture the attention of consumers with products tailored to local preferences and innovative marketing strategies. What’s more, the distribution strategy chosen by these brands is often based mainly on online sales, which allows them to be more responsive (online sales are the preferred marketing method for these brands, as is the case with Proya, which achieves over 90% of its sales online).
  • Secondly, young consumers are more inclined to consume national brand products. Generation Z represents almost 19% of the Chinese population, and includes many consumers of cosmetics. Born during a period of prosperity for China and its international influence, young people are proud to buy national brands, which creates excellent development opportunities for Chinese companies.
  • Finally, the desired effects and specific functions of cosmetics have become increasingly important when it comes to purchasing products. Social networks and the internet have helped to raise awareness among the Chinese of skin problems and the various treatments available to deal with them. Domestic brands were quick to pick up on these new consumer concerns. They have been able to adapt, for example by increasing the number of partnerships with medical institutions in order to reinforce their image as experts in skin care. At the same time, they have consolidated their online distribution strategy.

Challenges and opportunities for foreign brands

French cosmetics: brand image and luxury

Brand image and the perception of quality play a crucial role in purchasing decisions. Chinese consumers are particularly sensitive to well-known brands and luxury products, which they associate with high social status and a guarantee of quality. Many French brands enjoy an image of luxury and quality that is highly prized by Chinese consumers. For example, brands such as Chanel, Dior and Lancôme enjoy strong recognition and loyalty from Chinese consumers. Made in France” is seen as a guarantee of prestige and quality, particularly in the skincare and fragrance segment.

Foreign brands can also capitalise on the growing interest in natural and organic products. Demand for products that are free from harmful ingredients and respect the environment is on the rise, paving the way for brands such as Caudalie and L’Occitane to promote their natural, sustainable formulas.

Adapting to the Chinese market: challenges for foreign brands

Enhanced regulations:

China is continuing to tighten its regulations on the safety and quality of cosmetic products. Brands must remain vigilant and ensure that they comply with these standards to avoid any risk of withdrawal from the market or penalties. Compliance with local regulations is essential to maintain the confidence of consumers and the authorities.

Establishing a suitable distribution network:

Beauty products are distributed in China through a combination of online and offline channels. E-commerce platforms such as Tmall and are still major players, but their leadership position is being challenged by social selling and the growing importance of livestreaming. Physical shops continue to play an important role, offering immersive shopping experiences and personalised consultations. In 2020, online sales of cosmetics accounted for around 38% of total sales in China. In recent years, the rapid expansion of cross-border e-commerce (CBEC) in China represents a major opportunity for foreign brands. Specialised CBEC online sales platforms such as Tmall Global and JD Worldwide give foreign brands direct access to Chinese consumers without the need to register their products. Participating in major online events such as the ‘Double 11’ can generate massive visibility and sales in a short space of time, however it is important to note that Chinese consumers will expect a strong discount on the price of products at these festivals.



In conclusion, the cosmetics market in China offers considerable opportunities for both French and foreign brands. However, success in this market requires an in-depth understanding of consumer preferences, an ability to innovate and personalise offerings, and constant vigilance with regard to local regulations. Brands that are able to navigate this dynamic and ever-changing landscape will be able to capitalise on the market’s continued growth and strengthen their presence in China. With a vast and diverse population, China continues to represent fertile ground for the global cosmetics industry, promising great prospects for years to come.

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Commercial success in China: Know Your Consumers

Commercial success in China: Know Your Consumers

The Chinese market may seem vast, but it is far from homogeneous. So while there are real opportunities for many business sectors, it is essential to study the structure of this market and its dynamics in advance. Indeed, if you want to do business in China for the long term, it’s essential to understand the mindset of the Chinese consumer. Influenced by a unique combination of traditional culture and modernity, these consumers have specific expectations that companies must recognize and satisfy.

Understanding the Chinese consumer

Understanding the Chinese consumer is the first step for any company looking to expand into China. A brief overview of consumer habits and interests.

Cultural values and their influence on buying habits

China, with its thousands of years of history, has a deeply rooted culture that can influence buying behavior. Certain values, such as respect for family and the value of saving, guide consumer choices and set the pace for certain purchases. For example, on special occasions such as Chinese New Year, it’s common to give expensive gifts to show respect and affection.

The Importance of Brand and Quality

Chinese consumers place a high value on brand reputation and product quality. A well-known brand is often associated with reliability and superior quality. For this reason, many foreign companies with a good international reputation have a clear advantage in the Chinese market.

The Role of Social Media and Influencers

With the rise of technology and the mass adoption of smartphones, social media plays an important role in the lives of Chinese consumers. Platforms such as TikTok have become essential sources of information for consumers. Influencers have a significant impact on purchasing decisions as they are perceived as reliable and authentic sources of information. They drive this digital commerce by offering live streaming on the main Chinese platforms, where they present products and generate a sometimes colossal volume of sales The rise of live streaming in China, a hot new sales channel – VVR International, strategic development, production, sourcing, distribution…

Meeting consumer expectations

Responding effectively to the needs of Chinese consumers requires an adapted and innovative approach, supported by a tailored marketing strategy and a multi-channel distribution network – Supply Chain & Distribution – VVR International, strategic development, production, sourcing, distribution… Here’s how companies can adapt to these expectations to ensure their success.

The Importance of Localizing Products and Services

China is a huge country with cultural and regional diversity. What works in one region may not be as effective in another. Therefore, localization of products and services is critical. This means not only language translation, but also adapting products, packaging and communication to local tastes, preferences and needs.

Customer service: a key element in gaining trust

Chinese consumers place a high value on customer service. Fast, efficient and courteous service can have a significant impact on brand perception. What’s more, word of mouth is powerful in China. A single bad customer experience can quickly spread across social networks and damage a company’s reputation.

Current and future trends to watch

The Chinese market is evolving rapidly. Companies need to stay on top of the latest trends and adapt accordingly. For example, the rise of e-commerce and certain platforms unknown in Europe, the growing importance of sustainability, and the appeal of local products are all trends that companies need to consider in their strategy.

Tips for foreign companies

Entering the Chinese market can seem daunting, but with the right strategies and a thorough understanding of the terrain, foreign companies can thrive. Discover some essential tips for successfully navigating this dynamic market.

Market Research and Local Partnerships

Before entering the Chinese market, it’s essential to conduct in-depth market research to understand local nuances. Working with local partners can also be advantageous, as they have intimate knowledge of the market and can help navigate the complex Chinese business landscape.

Adapt Marketing and Communications Strategies

Marketing and communications in China are very different from those in the West. Companies must adapt their messages to resonate with Chinese consumers. This may include using local celebrities for advertising campaigns or participating in local festivals and events to increase brand exposure. Relying on a local employee to represent the brand or product in China is an advantage when launching in China. Thanks to Portage Salarial, it is possible to hire a Chinese sales representative without having to set up a legal entity in China. In fact, VVR International provides a legal home for your employee. As part of our “PEO services, we manage your employee’s administrative affairs and act as an intermediary for the payment of salaries and other fees;

Understanding Local Regulations and Standards

China has its own regulations and standards for trade, quality and safety. Foreign companies need to ensure that they comply with these regulations and keep abreast of developments to avoid legal problems. This may involve working with local experts or consultants to ensure compliance.

The bottom line: Navigating the Chinese market with confidence

China, with its ever-evolving market and demanding consumers, offers immense opportunities for companies that are able to adapt and innovate. By focusing on localization, building strategic partnerships, and staying on top of the latest trends, companies can thrive in the Chinese market.

With over 24 years of experience, VVR International has assisted numerous European companies in their industrial and commercial development in China. Whether you’re looking to establish local brands, sell through distribution networks, recruit the best local talent on your behalf, or use the PEO services, VVR International’s teams are ready to assist you in your development project.

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Strategies for standing out in the ultra-competitive Chinese market

Strategies for standing out in the ultra-competitive Chinese market

The Chinese market is attractive, but with aggressive local competition and consumers with ever-higher expectations, how can a foreign company really stand out and win the trust of Chinese consumers? In this article, we’ll explore some proven tips for succeeding in this dynamic and sometimes unforgiving market, even in the face of fierce competition. Whether you’re new to the market or looking to consolidate your presence, these strategies could be the key to your success in China.

Understand and adapt to the Chinese culture

Entering the Chinese market without a thorough understanding of its culture and nuances is a common and costly mistake. Here are some key elements to keep in mind:

Importance of localization:

Chinese consumers appreciate brands that speak to them in their own language and respect their customs. This is more than just translation. Localization means adapting your messaging, design, and even aspects of your product or service to resonate with local audiences. Implementing a targeted, specific marketing strategy is essential to establishing yourself in the marketplace.

Cultural nuances:

From the color of packaging to local festivals, being aware of cultural nuances can help your company avoid major faux pas. For example, red is a lucky color in China, while white is often associated with mourning.

Work with local partners: Working with local partners, distributors and/or retailers can not only ease market entry, but also enhance your brand’s credibility. They can help you navigate regulatory complexities and better understand consumer preferences.

Maximize your digital presence

China is one of the most connected countries in the world, with a highly active population on digital platforms. Here’s how to optimize your online presence to reach and engage this audience:

The Chinese Social Media World:

In China, the main social networks are WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin. Each of these platforms has unique features and audiences that require tailored content strategies. For example, WeChat is ideal for CRM, while Douyin (the equivalent of TikTok) is essential for viral marketing. L’essor du live streaming en Chine, nouveau canal de vente en vogue – VVR International, développement stratégique, production, sourcing, distribution…

E-commerce and distribution platforms:

With platforms such as Tmall, and Pinduoduo, online commerce is a booming industry in China. Pinduoduo : l’avenir du e-commerce chinois – VVR International, développement stratégique, production, sourcing, distribution…. It’s essential to provide a smooth user experience and understand the nuances of Chinese e-commerce, such as specific “shopping days” (e.g. Singles’ Day).

Tailor content to the Chinese audience:

Create content that speaks directly to your Chinese consumers. This may mean working with local KOLs, producing customized videos, or even launching advertising campaigns specific to certain regions or cities.

Build strategic partnerships and collaborations

Collaboration is often the key to success, especially in a market as diverse and vast as China. Here’s how you can use collaborations to strengthen your position:

Work with recognized local brands:

Partnering with established Chinese brands can open doors for you and make it easier for the local public to accept your product or service. These collaborations can take the form of co-branding, cross-promotion, or joint marketing campaigns.

Attend trade shows and local events:

These events are an opportunity to meet potential partners, understand market trends, and showcase your products directly to Chinese consumers.

The Art of Succeeding in China: Adapt and Persevere

The Chinese market can be complex to navigate, but with a thorough understanding of the culture, the implementation of a multi-channel distribution strategy, and strategic alliances, your company can launch and sustain its business in China.

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Journey to the Heart of China’s Major Business Cities

Journey to the Heart of China’s Major Business Cities

With its sustained growth and immense market potential, China has become a popular destination for many foreign companies. However, the country is vast, and each city is a universe in itself, with its own peculiarities and opportunities. The art of succeeding in China lies not only in understanding its culture and economy, but also in choosing the right location in line with your strategy and objectives.

The economic pillars: Shanghai and Beijing

Shanghai: The Gateway

Formerly known as the “Paris of the East”, Shanghai is now at the heart of China’s economy. In addition to being a major financial center, this dynamic metropolis is a cultural melting pot that attracts talent from around the world. Its importance as a commercial hub offers a wealth of opportunities for foreign companies, whether in finance, trade or technology. A large proportion of the population has considerable purchasing power and a lifestyle compatible with the consumption of Western products. Shanghai is therefore a prime market for foreign companies, whose strategic interest is reinforced by the rich industrial fabric nearby.

Beijing: the heart of the nation

Beijing’s splendor is not limited to its historical and architectural heritage. As the capital of China, it is the nerve center where the most important political decisions are made. This proximity to power is an asset for companies looking to build strong relationships with regulators or understand the nuances of government policy. It is also a popular tourist destination for foreigners, but especially for Chinese who take advantage of their vacations to spend a few days in the capital. Beijing is also home to a growing technology ecosystem, with Zhongguancun often referred to as the “Silicon Valley of China”. Between innovative start-ups and established companies, the opportunities for foreign companies here are vast.

Innovation hubs: Shenzhen and Hangzhou

Shenzhen: the epicenter of innovation

Once a small fishing village, Shenzhen has become a global innovation hub over the past four decades. Today, it is home to technology giants such as Huawei and Tencent. The city’s electric atmosphere, combined with business-friendly policies and a commitment to innovation, make it a prime destination for start-ups and foreign technology companies.

Hangzhou: the cradle of entrepreneurship

Just an hour by train from Shanghai, Hangzhou, famous for its picturesque scenery, is the birthplace of e-commerce giant Alibaba. In recent years, the city has seen the emergence of a dynamic entrepreneurial environment supported by government initiatives. Hangzhou’s high-tech zones, such as the Qiantang River Valley Science and Technology Park, provide incentives for start-ups, and the presence of e-commerce leaders offers great opportunities for foreign companies to collaborate and integrate.

Diversity and potential: Guangzhou, Chengdu and Tianjin

Guangzhou: trading with the world

Guangzhou, one of China’s oldest trading cities, is still a major commercial hub, especially for import-export. The Canton Fair, China’s largest trade fair, attracts companies from all over the world every year. With privileged access to the Pearl River Delta, one of the world’s major manufacturing centers, Guangzhou is strategic for production and distribution-oriented companies.

Chengdu: Charm of the West

A world away from the hustle and bustle of the coastal cities lies Chengdu, the peaceful capital of Sichuan. Known for its pandas and spicy cuisine, the city is also a burgeoning technology hub. Thanks to government incentives, Chengdu is attracting both domestic and foreign companies. Its strategic location as a gateway to western China makes it ideal for companies looking to position themselves in this fast-growing market.

Tianjin: Industrialization and Modernity

Close to Beijing, Tianjin is a major industrial center with a modern infrastructure. It is home to several economic and technological development zones that facilitate the establishment of foreign companies. Tianjin is also a port city, which facilitates trade and export logistics.

Conclusion: Which destination to choose?

Although interconnected and open to the country as a whole, each city has its own advantages and challenges for companies looking to set up in China. The choice of location should be made after a careful assessment of your company’s needs and the opportunities each city has to offer. Whether you’re attracted by the dynamism of Shanghai, the innovation of Shenzhen, or the potential for expansion in Chengdu, it’s important to align your choice with your company’s long-term vision.

But it’s also important to remember that, far beyond its megacities, China has a wealth of densely populated, fast-growing secondary cities that could become the hubs of tomorrow. Analyzing and developing a strategy with the help of an expert with detailed knowledge of China’s economic geography, such as VVR International, can be the key to ensuring a successful first step in the country.

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Portage vs setting up a business in China: The duel

Portage vs setting up a business in China: The duel

Once the Chinese market has been identified as a real opportunity, there are two main strategies for accelerating your business development in China: portage and setting up a local company. While China continues to be a popular destination for international expansion due to its vast and dynamic market, choosing the best approach to enter requires careful consideration. By simplifying the process, portage appears to be an attractive option for companies wishing to test the waters. On the other hand, setting up a local entity offers an unparalleled level of control and commitment. However, each option comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. This article will examine these two strategies in detail, weighing up the pros and cons, to help companies make an informed choice tailored to their needs and objectives in China.

Advantages of Portage services in China

Portage salarial is a solution that enables a company to hire an employee in China without having to set up a local legal entity. Here are the main advantages:

Administrative simplification

Avoid the complexities involved in setting up and managing a local entity. The freelance administration company handles all the administrative, tax and social security formalities for you, and can even physically house your employee in its premises in China.


Financial flexibility

With portage solution, no investment is required to set up your team in China. The only costs are the actual operating costs (salaries, travel expenses, etc.). Companies can therefore test the Chinese market with minimal investment and a limited commitment.

Absence of legal and regulatory risks

The portage company masters Chinese labour legislation and takes care of the employee’s legal obligations and administrative management, thereby reducing the risks for the foreign company.

Speed of implementation

Once the new employee has been selected, companies can start their activities in China almost immediately, without waiting for the long lead times involved in setting up a company.

Disadvantages of portage in China

While portage offers a simplified entry into the Chinese market, it also has its limitations:

Potential long-term costs

Although less expensive initially, portage can become costly over time, particularly if the company wants to increase the number of employees working in China. In this case, portage is a temporary solution until a local legal entity can be set up. VVR International supports companies from the recruitment of their first employee to the setting up of their own entity in China.

Dependence on a third party

Trust in a portage company imposes a dependence that can limit strategic autonomy. This is why it can be a transitional solution. This first stage can be part of a development project. If you are planning to set up a long-term presence in China, we recommend that you use a company offering a strategic diagnosis and a range of services to support your development and ensure the long-term future of your business.

Less control over operations

By delegating the administrative, tax and legal aspects, companies can feel a lack of direct control over their activities and their employees. This can be countered by implementing effective communication and monitoring tools that are accessible in both Europe and China.

Advantages of setting up a business in China

Opting to set up your own business in China is an ambitious move that offers a number of significant advantages:

Full control over operations and strategy

Having your own business gives you total control, enabling you to adjust strategy and operations in line with market needs and opportunities.

Potential for growth and expansion

With a solid structure, companies have the freedom to grow, invest and expand without limitations.

Recognition and credibility in the local market

A local presence, by opening stores or premises dedicated to its business or to the distribution of its products, strengthens the confidence of Chinese consumers and partners, facilitating business relationships.

Cultural and market adaptability

Proximity to the market allows us to understand consumers even better, and to adapt more finely to cultural and commercial specificities.

Disadvantages of setting up a business in China

Despite its advantages, setting up an entity in China is also fraught with pitfalls that should not be overlooked:

A long and complex process

setting up a business in China can be an obstacle course, with lengthy and sometimes opaque administrative, regulatory and legal procedures.

Legal and regulatory risks

China has a distinct legal and regulatory environment that can pose challenges for foreign companies. Failure to comply with regulations can result in severe penalties.

High initial costs

Unlike freelance administration, setting up a business requires a substantial initial investment, particularly in terms of capital, time and resources.

Cultural and linguistic barriers

Cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and require constant adaptation.

Optimise your expansion in China with VVR International

The decision between portage and setting up a company in China is a crucial one, and largely depends on each company’s objectives, resources and long-term vision. While portage offers a quick and less risky entry into the Chinese market, a long-term vision with ambitions for solid expansion might lean towards setting up a company, despite its initial challenges.

However, this is not a choice to be made alone. With 23 years’ experience and more than 1,000 successful projects under its belt, VVR International is your trusted partner for securing and sustaining your business development in China.  VVR International carries out an initial diagnosis and works with you to devise a development strategy tailored to your business. VVR International then has the necessary licences and a dedicated HR team to recruit and support your employee in China or to help you set up an entity in China. Whatever your decision, VVR’s expertise will be a major asset in your conquest of the Chinese market.

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Advancing Frontiers: The Rise of Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques

Advancing Frontiers: The Rise of Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques

In the realm of medical science, the evolution from open surgical procedures to minimally invasive surgical techniques marks a significant stride towards better patient care and enhanced operational efficiency. This shift not only epitomizes the advancement of medical technology but also mirrors the relentless pursuit of reducing surgical invasiveness and the associated risks. The focus of this article is to unravel the various minimally invasive surgical techniques currently in use, the ongoing research aimed at honing these methods, and the global implications of such medical innovations.

Unveiling Modern Techniques

The scope of minimally invasive surgical techniques is continuously expanding, thanks to relentless innovations in medical technology. Here’s a glance at some of these modern techniques.


Known as keyhole surgery, laparoscopy is widely used in gastrointestinal, gynecological, and urological surgeries. Recent advancements include the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic assistance, enhancing surgical precision, but also Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS), Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES), and telementoring, which have shown promise in bettering surgical outcomes and patient recovery times. The global market for laparoscopy devices is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% from 2020 to 2030, reflecting the escalating adoption of this technique.


Utilizing an endoscope, this technique allows visualization of internal body cavities. Surgical polarimetric endoscopy, a recent advancement, has been employed for the detection of laryngeal cancer. The year 2023 saw the launch of Olympus’s EVIS X1™ endoscopy system, marking a substantial stride in endoscopic technology​. The convergence of artificial intelligence and robotics with endoscopy is a trend to watch, as these technologies are driving further advancements in this domain.

Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery, once a futuristic idea, has become a reality with its application spanning across various surgical domains, including cardiothoracic, colorectal, urological (in particular with EDAP TMS’s FocalOne® robotic HIFU solution), general, gynecology, and head-and-neck surgery, driven by ongoing technological advances. The surgical robotics market, now exceeding $3 billion, is poised for significant growth, with an increased demand for Robotic-Assisted Surgery (RAS) across the globe.

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery employs beams of light to cut, remove, or cauterize tissue, and is hailed for its precision and minimal damage to surrounding tissues. Recent advancements in refractive surgery, such as the rise of Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) and the introduction of technically competitive laser systems, mark a paradigm shift in surgical precision, efficacy, and patient outcomes​. Improvements in aesthetic laser devices, including longer dye lives and increased wavelength capacities, contribute to the enhanced precision and accuracy of laser treatment​.

These techniques, each with its unique advancements, contribute to better patient care, faster recovery times, and reduced healthcare costs, showcasing significant strides in the surgical domain.

The Spectrum of Benefits

Minimally invasive surgical techniques hold a plethora of benefits that significantly enhance both patient care and operational efficiency. Here are the key advantages underscored by recent data:

Reduced Recovery Time

Smaller incisions expedite healing, enabling patients to resume normal activities sooner, substantiated by reduced postoperative complications and shorter hospital stays.

Lesser Pain and Scarring

Patients experience less post-operative pain and minimal scarring, contributing to better cosmetic results and an improved recovery experience​.

Lower Risk of Infection

The minimized exposure of internal body structures to potential contaminants lowers the risk of post-surgical infections, aligning with improved postoperative pain control and shortened postoperative hospitalization​.


Quicker recovery times, lower infection risks, and shorter hospital stays contribute to lower healthcare costs, aligning with the medico-economic benefits associated with MIS​.

Trailblazing Research and Emerging Techniques

The voyage of minimally invasive surgical techniques into new horizons is steered by groundbreaking research. Here’s a glimpse into the contemporary research and emerging techniques that are pushing the boundaries.

Robotic Assistance

The symbiosis of robotics with minimally invasive surgery is escalating surgical precision and control to unprecedented levels. The advent of sophisticated robotic systems is enabling surgeons to perform complex procedures with enhanced accuracy and minimal invasiveness. Recent innovations like the reconfigured robotic arm design, faster docking to reduce operative time, and fluorescence-detection to identify structures and lesions are notable advancements in this domain. Moreover, robotic-assisted surgery has become a popular trend offering prospective benefits to patients like shorter hospital stays, earlier recovery, and less pain, along with operational benefits to surgeons.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is the torchbearer of predictive analytics and real-time decision support during surgical procedures. It is fostering a paradigm of data-driven surgery, where AI algorithms aid in enhancing surgical precision and optimizing patient outcomes. While not aimed at replacing surgeons but rather at making most use of their experience and knowledge, AI has the potential to revolutionize surgery, particularly in technical skill assessment and integration into surgical robots, which paves the way for improved preoperative planning and intraoperative guidance.

3D Visualization and Augmented Reality (AR)

3D visualization and AR are revolutionizing the way surgeons interact with medical imaging data. Technologies like the XR90 augmented reality-based surgical visualization and navigation platform combine CT imaging with live ultrasound to perform minimally invasive procedures with enhanced precision. AR technology superimposes artificial targets onto a live view of patient anatomy, offering a more intuitive understanding of anatomical structures and enhancing surgical planning and execution.

Telemedicine and Remote Surgery

The combination of telemedicine with minimally invasive surgical techniques is greatly enhancing the application range for remote surgery and consultations. Telementoring, a form of remote teaching in surgery that includes more and more 3D/AR visualization modes, enriches the training options for surgical trainees, while telemedicine addresses some barriers to surgical care, especially in low- and middle-income countries, by providing remote healthcare services.

Advanced Imaging Technologies

Cutting-edge imaging technologies are the linchpin of successful minimally invasive procedures, offering clearer and more detailed visualizations crucial for surgical success. The evolution of medical imaging systems has been rapid, with the integration of artificial intelligence, cloud-based solutions, and mobile technology revolutionizing medical imaging.

Bridging Surgical Frontiers

The significance of minimally invasive surgical techniques extends beyond the operating rooms of developed nations to developing countries where healthcare resources are often limited. Moreover, the global reverberations of advancements in minimally invasive surgery are palpable, with countries like China embracing and investing in these techniques to foster a robust healthcare ecosystem.

VVR medical, a conduit for European innovators in medical technology and diagnostics, facilitates a smooth entry and establishment in the Chinese market, accelerating China market entry through strategic diagnosis, qualification, and efficient commercialization of products and services. This symbiosis of surgical advancements and market access strategies elucidates a promising trajectory towards a global surgical landscape that is not only efficient and effective but also inclusive and progressive, steering the global healthcare community towards a horizon where surgical care is more accessible, less invasive, and profoundly impactful.

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How do you pay for your purchases when travelling in China? The guide, by VVR International

China leads the way in the use of electronic payments in Asia and worldwide

In China, the preferred method of payment has shifted from cash to mobile payment, to the detriment of credit cards. Indeed, China is now the world leader in the use of payment via mobile phone applications. Alipay and WeChat Pay are the main payment methods used by almost the entire Chinese population, whether urban or rural, and can be used to pay for fruit from a street vendor or to buy a plane ticket to Europe.

Electronic payment: essential for accessing certain applications and services

Cash payments are still accepted in theory, with the exception of orders and services linked to applications such as DIDI, a very widespread car-for-hire service in China, equivalent to Uber, or home catering services. These applications can only be paid for by electronic payment. You will therefore not be able to order a DIDI driver without first setting up an electronic payment solution. Note that DIDI can be used directly via Alipay and has an English interface, which is not the case for all applications. In fact, some applications such as Meituan and, which sell takeaway food, are still only available in Chinese.

The decline in cash payments in all sectors of the Chinese economy

It should be noted, however, that the majority of vendors (taxi drivers, grocers, etc.) and businesses (restaurants and others, etc.) strongly prefer to be paid by Alipay and WeChat Pay rather than in cash.

In theory, international bankcards are accepted in shops, restaurants and hotels in major cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, but as terminals accepting international cards have been used very little or not at all over the last 3 years, this is no longer possible.

Electronic payment is now available to foreigners.

Historically, these 2 methods of payment were only available to holders of a bank card issued by a Chinese bank, which made travelling in China increasingly complex for non-resident foreigners.

To make your journey easier and ensure that you can make payments in all circumstances, it’s advisable to opt for one of the electronic payment options: WeChat Pay and Alipay.

Since August 2023, these methods have finally been accessible to foreigners who do not have a Chinese bank account! It is now possible to register for Alipay or WeChat Pay with :

  • a non-Chinese telephone number
  • foreign passport details
  • an international bank card

… Finally, create an Alipay and/or WeChat Pay account. Once you’ve done that, you can use these 2 applications for your everyday purchases.

The exchange rate applied to your transactions is set by the bank issuing your bank card. However, some functions, such as money transfers or red envelopes (an option for sending gifts to contacts, echoing the tradition of red envelopes given to children for the Chinese New Year), may not be accessible with a foreign bank card.

Before signing up for WeChat Pay and Alipay

  • Before registering for one of these applications, make sure that you are able to receive the verification codes by SMS that will be sent to you when you create your account (if not, you will need to obtain a Chinese SIM card).
  • It is possible to register from abroad, but identity verification must be carried out in China, as the face scan function is not available in some countries.

Practical installation guide : ALIPAY

  1. Download the application and sign up for the international version
  2. Add your bank account by pressing “add now”, then let the application guide you through the registration process.
  3. Scan the retailers’ QR codes or present your personal QR code to pay.

Practical installation guide : WECHATPAY

  1. Install WeChat on your phone (or make sure you have the latest version, update if necessary) then register with your phone number or log in.
  2. Activate Weixin Pay: to do this, click on “Me” – “Service” then “Wallet” in the application. You can also activate Weixin Pay by clicking on Me – settings – general – tools – weixin pay at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Enter your details and add a card by going to the Wallet tab and then pressing “add a card” to add your card. You will need to accept the terms of use and follow the steps to complete the identity details (if you are using a passport for this step, you will receive a notification prompting you to upload a copy of your ID to the app). Finally, press “Next” and follow the instructions in the application to add your card.
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PEO in China: the beginning of a development strategy

PEO involves using a company based in China to provide physical and legal housing for a foreign or Chinese employee. It allows companies that do not have an office in China to recruit and work with an employee locally. PEO solution is an important and sometimes decisive step to ensure a safe and successful development in China: the company can start its development while limiting risks and investments

It’s a transitional option between setting up and establishing a structure in China. The “portage” company offers support throughout the process of creation and acquisition of full autonomy.

In this way, PEO service offers companies wishing to enter the Chinese market the opportunity to gain an insight into the market without the need for a physical presence or a legal entity in China. This solution offers great flexibility and efficiency in deployment and customization. The employee is almost immediately ready to operate locally.

Thanks to its support and in-depth knowledge of the Chinese labor market and its legislation, the PEO services company enables the foreign company to start its business in China without the need for specific experience or multicultural management skills.

The company delegates the management of the employee’s payroll and related administrative formalities to all local authorities. In effect, the third-party company becomes the local employer of the employee, who benefits from a local contract. As such, the umbrella company will take the necessary steps to obtain work visas and residence permits for foreign employees coming to work in China. The company will act as an intermediary for the payment of salaries and the various taxes and charges associated with the employee (insurance, contributions).

Our HR Team in China is responsible for managing and monitoring the employee’s expenses and is the local contact person for maintaining solid contact with the employee in China. Finally, if necessary, the company can rent office space or any other premises required for the company’s activities in China.


PEO is strictly regulated in China. Few companies can legally offer this service. In fact, VVR International is the only European company to benefit from licenses recognized by the Chinese authorities, such as the Labor Dispatch License. It should be noted that the portage of a Chinese employee and that of a foreign employee are not regulated in the same way by law.

In China, PEO requires the PEO company to pay all taxes and social security contributions in the employee’s place of residence. Thanks to its multiple locations, including four strategic regions of the country – Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shijiazhuang – VVR International offers a wide choice of zones in which to develop the company’s activities according to its field and strategy.


Differences in culture and work practices can be an obstacle, leading to misunderstandings that negatively affect a company’s operations in China. VVR International, with its strong presence in France and China and its experts in human resources and in the management of Chinese teams, ensures that the collaboration is set up in the best possible conditions and helps to manage difficult and unforeseen situations (accidents, resignations, epidemics, etc.).


The choice of employees is crucial to the success of the first stages of development in China. That’s why, in addition to our PEO services, VVR International’s teams can take care of the recruitment of a new Chinese or foreign employee.

Thanks to the expertise of its dedicated VVR RH department, VVR International will search, interview, sort through a unique process and finally select the best talents to offer you the ideal candidate for recruitment. To do this, our teams will carry out a diagnosis of the company and its needs in order to define the profile best suited to the position.

Download our fact sheet on PEO in China.

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