Category: Uncategorized

Navigating the New Wave of Opportunities: M&A Expansion in China

Navigating the New Wave of Opportunities: M&A Expansion in China

The Chinese market, with its impressive growth trajectory, has established itself as fertile ground for mergers and acquisitions (M&A), creating a landscape rich in opportunities for international companies ready to venture in. In 2023, the data reveals a dynamic M&A scene, marked by figures that underline the renewed confidence of investors and the vitality of the market.

A vibrant M&A scene

The Chinese M&A market had a dazzling year in 2023, with inbound deals jumping 68% and outbound deals growing by 31%, a clear indication of China’s growing appeal to both local and international investors.

Consolidation in sectors such as technology, renewable energy and financial services reflects a maturing economy seeking to capitalise on global trends and innovations. Renewable energy, for example, has captured attention thanks to government-backed initiatives, propelling China to global leadership in the sector.

Focus on Sectors and Key Transactions

M&A activity was concentrated mainly in the industrial sector, which accounted for 21.5% of the market or $66 billion, followed by commodities (14.6%) and high technology (13.3%). This illustrates a strategic interest in key industries that are at the heart of China’s economic growth and integration into the global economy. A major acquisition this year was the partial acquisition (10%) of Rongsheng Petrochemical by Aramco Overseas Co for $3.4 billion.


Investment focus : Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou

The 2023 M&A market in China highlights the importance of leading cities as investment centres. Beijing recorded $70 billion in transactions, Shanghai followed closely with $60.5 billion, and Guangzhou posted $58 billion. Despite a downward trend on the previous year, these figures confirm the crucial role of these metropolises as strategic investment hubs in China, acting as incubators for companies setting up there.

This regional dynamic underlines the potential of these cities not only as economic centres, but also as privileged points of entry for international companies exploring opportunities in China. (More information on the main Chinese cities in our article : here)

Navigation Challenges and Strategies

Although investment flows and the Chinese market in general are growing exponentially, there are a multitude of factors that need to be taken into account in order to set up effectively in this market, including regulatory nuances, cultural differences and business practices. Success in China requires a deep understanding of the local market, the ability to establish solid strategic partnerships and the flexibility to adapt to market dynamics.

Conclusion: A Future of Mutual Growth

The M&A boom in China is an open invitation to international companies to explore this market. With a strategic approach and an in-depth understanding of current trends, companies can not only successfully establish themselves in China but also contribute to the country’s dynamic economy, creating a virtuous circle of growth and innovation.

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Journey to the Heart of China’s Major Business Cities

Journey to the Heart of China’s Major Business Cities

With its sustained growth and immense market potential, China has become a popular destination for many foreign companies. However, the country is vast, and each city is a universe in itself, with its own peculiarities and opportunities. The art of succeeding in China lies not only in understanding its culture and economy, but also in choosing the right location in line with your strategy and objectives.

The economic pillars: Shanghai and Beijing

Shanghai: The Gateway

Formerly known as the “Paris of the East”, Shanghai is now at the heart of China’s economy. In addition to being a major financial center, this dynamic metropolis is a cultural melting pot that attracts talent from around the world. Its importance as a commercial hub offers a wealth of opportunities for foreign companies, whether in finance, trade or technology. A large proportion of the population has considerable purchasing power and a lifestyle compatible with the consumption of Western products. Shanghai is therefore a prime market for foreign companies, whose strategic interest is reinforced by the rich industrial fabric nearby.

Beijing: the heart of the nation

Beijing’s splendor is not limited to its historical and architectural heritage. As the capital of China, it is the nerve center where the most important political decisions are made. This proximity to power is an asset for companies looking to build strong relationships with regulators or understand the nuances of government policy. It is also a popular tourist destination for foreigners, but especially for Chinese who take advantage of their vacations to spend a few days in the capital. Beijing is also home to a growing technology ecosystem, with Zhongguancun often referred to as the “Silicon Valley of China”. Between innovative start-ups and established companies, the opportunities for foreign companies here are vast.

Innovation hubs: Shenzhen and Hangzhou

Shenzhen: the epicenter of innovation

Once a small fishing village, Shenzhen has become a global innovation hub over the past four decades. Today, it is home to technology giants such as Huawei and Tencent. The city’s electric atmosphere, combined with business-friendly policies and a commitment to innovation, make it a prime destination for start-ups and foreign technology companies.

Hangzhou: the cradle of entrepreneurship

Just an hour by train from Shanghai, Hangzhou, famous for its picturesque scenery, is the birthplace of e-commerce giant Alibaba. In recent years, the city has seen the emergence of a dynamic entrepreneurial environment supported by government initiatives. Hangzhou’s high-tech zones, such as the Qiantang River Valley Science and Technology Park, provide incentives for start-ups, and the presence of e-commerce leaders offers great opportunities for foreign companies to collaborate and integrate.

Diversity and potential: Guangzhou, Chengdu and Tianjin

Guangzhou: trading with the world

Guangzhou, one of China’s oldest trading cities, is still a major commercial hub, especially for import-export. The Canton Fair, China’s largest trade fair, attracts companies from all over the world every year. With privileged access to the Pearl River Delta, one of the world’s major manufacturing centers, Guangzhou is strategic for production and distribution-oriented companies.

Chengdu: Charm of the West

A world away from the hustle and bustle of the coastal cities lies Chengdu, the peaceful capital of Sichuan. Known for its pandas and spicy cuisine, the city is also a burgeoning technology hub. Thanks to government incentives, Chengdu is attracting both domestic and foreign companies. Its strategic location as a gateway to western China makes it ideal for companies looking to position themselves in this fast-growing market.

Tianjin: Industrialization and Modernity

Close to Beijing, Tianjin is a major industrial center with a modern infrastructure. It is home to several economic and technological development zones that facilitate the establishment of foreign companies. Tianjin is also a port city, which facilitates trade and export logistics.

Conclusion: Which destination to choose?

Although interconnected and open to the country as a whole, each city has its own advantages and challenges for companies looking to set up in China. The choice of location should be made after a careful assessment of your company’s needs and the opportunities each city has to offer. Whether you’re attracted by the dynamism of Shanghai, the innovation of Shenzhen, or the potential for expansion in Chengdu, it’s important to align your choice with your company’s long-term vision.

But it’s also important to remember that, far beyond its megacities, China has a wealth of densely populated, fast-growing secondary cities that could become the hubs of tomorrow. Analyzing and developing a strategy with the help of an expert with detailed knowledge of China’s economic geography, such as VVR International, can be the key to ensuring a successful first step in the country.

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Advancing Frontiers: The Rise of Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques

Advancing Frontiers: The Rise of Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques

In the realm of medical science, the evolution from open surgical procedures to minimally invasive surgical techniques marks a significant stride towards better patient care and enhanced operational efficiency. This shift not only epitomizes the advancement of medical technology but also mirrors the relentless pursuit of reducing surgical invasiveness and the associated risks. The focus of this article is to unravel the various minimally invasive surgical techniques currently in use, the ongoing research aimed at honing these methods, and the global implications of such medical innovations.

Unveiling Modern Techniques

The scope of minimally invasive surgical techniques is continuously expanding, thanks to relentless innovations in medical technology. Here’s a glance at some of these modern techniques.


Known as keyhole surgery, laparoscopy is widely used in gastrointestinal, gynecological, and urological surgeries. Recent advancements include the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic assistance, enhancing surgical precision, but also Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS), Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES), and telementoring, which have shown promise in bettering surgical outcomes and patient recovery times. The global market for laparoscopy devices is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% from 2020 to 2030, reflecting the escalating adoption of this technique.


Utilizing an endoscope, this technique allows visualization of internal body cavities. Surgical polarimetric endoscopy, a recent advancement, has been employed for the detection of laryngeal cancer. The year 2023 saw the launch of Olympus’s EVIS X1™ endoscopy system, marking a substantial stride in endoscopic technology​. The convergence of artificial intelligence and robotics with endoscopy is a trend to watch, as these technologies are driving further advancements in this domain.

Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery, once a futuristic idea, has become a reality with its application spanning across various surgical domains, including cardiothoracic, colorectal, urological (in particular with EDAP TMS’s FocalOne® robotic HIFU solution), general, gynecology, and head-and-neck surgery, driven by ongoing technological advances. The surgical robotics market, now exceeding $3 billion, is poised for significant growth, with an increased demand for Robotic-Assisted Surgery (RAS) across the globe.

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery employs beams of light to cut, remove, or cauterize tissue, and is hailed for its precision and minimal damage to surrounding tissues. Recent advancements in refractive surgery, such as the rise of Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) and the introduction of technically competitive laser systems, mark a paradigm shift in surgical precision, efficacy, and patient outcomes​. Improvements in aesthetic laser devices, including longer dye lives and increased wavelength capacities, contribute to the enhanced precision and accuracy of laser treatment​.

These techniques, each with its unique advancements, contribute to better patient care, faster recovery times, and reduced healthcare costs, showcasing significant strides in the surgical domain.

The Spectrum of Benefits

Minimally invasive surgical techniques hold a plethora of benefits that significantly enhance both patient care and operational efficiency. Here are the key advantages underscored by recent data:

Reduced Recovery Time

Smaller incisions expedite healing, enabling patients to resume normal activities sooner, substantiated by reduced postoperative complications and shorter hospital stays.

Lesser Pain and Scarring

Patients experience less post-operative pain and minimal scarring, contributing to better cosmetic results and an improved recovery experience​.

Lower Risk of Infection

The minimized exposure of internal body structures to potential contaminants lowers the risk of post-surgical infections, aligning with improved postoperative pain control and shortened postoperative hospitalization​.


Quicker recovery times, lower infection risks, and shorter hospital stays contribute to lower healthcare costs, aligning with the medico-economic benefits associated with MIS​.

Trailblazing Research and Emerging Techniques

The voyage of minimally invasive surgical techniques into new horizons is steered by groundbreaking research. Here’s a glimpse into the contemporary research and emerging techniques that are pushing the boundaries.

Robotic Assistance

The symbiosis of robotics with minimally invasive surgery is escalating surgical precision and control to unprecedented levels. The advent of sophisticated robotic systems is enabling surgeons to perform complex procedures with enhanced accuracy and minimal invasiveness. Recent innovations like the reconfigured robotic arm design, faster docking to reduce operative time, and fluorescence-detection to identify structures and lesions are notable advancements in this domain. Moreover, robotic-assisted surgery has become a popular trend offering prospective benefits to patients like shorter hospital stays, earlier recovery, and less pain, along with operational benefits to surgeons.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is the torchbearer of predictive analytics and real-time decision support during surgical procedures. It is fostering a paradigm of data-driven surgery, where AI algorithms aid in enhancing surgical precision and optimizing patient outcomes. While not aimed at replacing surgeons but rather at making most use of their experience and knowledge, AI has the potential to revolutionize surgery, particularly in technical skill assessment and integration into surgical robots, which paves the way for improved preoperative planning and intraoperative guidance.

3D Visualization and Augmented Reality (AR)

3D visualization and AR are revolutionizing the way surgeons interact with medical imaging data. Technologies like the XR90 augmented reality-based surgical visualization and navigation platform combine CT imaging with live ultrasound to perform minimally invasive procedures with enhanced precision. AR technology superimposes artificial targets onto a live view of patient anatomy, offering a more intuitive understanding of anatomical structures and enhancing surgical planning and execution.

Telemedicine and Remote Surgery

The combination of telemedicine with minimally invasive surgical techniques is greatly enhancing the application range for remote surgery and consultations. Telementoring, a form of remote teaching in surgery that includes more and more 3D/AR visualization modes, enriches the training options for surgical trainees, while telemedicine addresses some barriers to surgical care, especially in low- and middle-income countries, by providing remote healthcare services.

Advanced Imaging Technologies

Cutting-edge imaging technologies are the linchpin of successful minimally invasive procedures, offering clearer and more detailed visualizations crucial for surgical success. The evolution of medical imaging systems has been rapid, with the integration of artificial intelligence, cloud-based solutions, and mobile technology revolutionizing medical imaging.

Bridging Surgical Frontiers

The significance of minimally invasive surgical techniques extends beyond the operating rooms of developed nations to developing countries where healthcare resources are often limited. Moreover, the global reverberations of advancements in minimally invasive surgery are palpable, with countries like China embracing and investing in these techniques to foster a robust healthcare ecosystem.

VVR medical, a conduit for European innovators in medical technology and diagnostics, facilitates a smooth entry and establishment in the Chinese market, accelerating China market entry through strategic diagnosis, qualification, and efficient commercialization of products and services. This symbiosis of surgical advancements and market access strategies elucidates a promising trajectory towards a global surgical landscape that is not only efficient and effective but also inclusive and progressive, steering the global healthcare community towards a horizon where surgical care is more accessible, less invasive, and profoundly impactful.

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China, dream or real market opportunity for French startups?

Last 4th April 2023, on the occasion of the SNITEM Start-up day, Irénée Robin, founder and partner of VVR Medical, expert of Chinese health market, was with the MEDICALLIANS experts from UK – Germany – France – USA – Middle East, to present the development opportunities in the main international health markets.

During a workshop focusing on China, Irénée Robin, founder and partner of VVR Medical shared his vision of the Chinese healthcare market, and the business strategies for French companies.

Irénée Robin, founder and partner of VVR Medical shared his analysis

Irénée Robin, founder and partner of VVR Medical shared his analysis

Here are the key takeaways from his speech:

China is (still) striving for the world’s best & cheapest healthcare

The pandemic delayed the process and highlighted structural issues…

  • Suboptimal use of all components of the healthcare chain
  • Deficits in early diagnosis and treatment

…but has triggered changes providing new opportunities

  • Generalization of smart hospital systems
  • Clear vision of Big Data in healthcare

The triptych to achieve this objective in MedTech: Innovation, Scaleability, Affordability

  • Accelerated regulatory proceedings
  • Volume-Based Procurement
  • Promotion of local manufacturing

Those changes raise new questions and challenges for MedTech innovators

  • Market access, distribution channels
  • Realistic bottom line, value chain
  • IP protection, local partners

VVR Medical experts can help you !
Click here to contact Irénée Robin, Co-Founder & Managing Partner at VVR Medical, member of MEDICALLIANS.

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PEO in China: the beginning of a development strategy

PEO involves using a company based in China to provide physical and legal housing for a foreign or Chinese employee. It allows companies that do not have an office in China to recruit and work with an employee locally. PEO solution is an important and sometimes decisive step to ensure a safe and successful development in China: the company can start its development while limiting risks and investments

It’s a transitional option between setting up and establishing a structure in China. The “portage” company offers support throughout the process of creation and acquisition of full autonomy.

In this way, PEO service offers companies wishing to enter the Chinese market the opportunity to gain an insight into the market without the need for a physical presence or a legal entity in China. This solution offers great flexibility and efficiency in deployment and customization. The employee is almost immediately ready to operate locally.

Thanks to its support and in-depth knowledge of the Chinese labor market and its legislation, the PEO services company enables the foreign company to start its business in China without the need for specific experience or multicultural management skills.

The company delegates the management of the employee’s payroll and related administrative formalities to all local authorities. In effect, the third-party company becomes the local employer of the employee, who benefits from a local contract. As such, the umbrella company will take the necessary steps to obtain work visas and residence permits for foreign employees coming to work in China. The company will act as an intermediary for the payment of salaries and the various taxes and charges associated with the employee (insurance, contributions).

Our HR Team in China is responsible for managing and monitoring the employee’s expenses and is the local contact person for maintaining solid contact with the employee in China. Finally, if necessary, the company can rent office space or any other premises required for the company’s activities in China.


PEO is strictly regulated in China. Few companies can legally offer this service. In fact, VVR International is the only European company to benefit from licenses recognized by the Chinese authorities, such as the Labor Dispatch License. It should be noted that the portage of a Chinese employee and that of a foreign employee are not regulated in the same way by law.

In China, PEO requires the PEO company to pay all taxes and social security contributions in the employee’s place of residence. Thanks to its multiple locations, including four strategic regions of the country – Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shijiazhuang – VVR International offers a wide choice of zones in which to develop the company’s activities according to its field and strategy.


Differences in culture and work practices can be an obstacle, leading to misunderstandings that negatively affect a company’s operations in China. VVR International, with its strong presence in France and China and its experts in human resources and in the management of Chinese teams, ensures that the collaboration is set up in the best possible conditions and helps to manage difficult and unforeseen situations (accidents, resignations, epidemics, etc.).


The choice of employees is crucial to the success of the first stages of development in China. That’s why, in addition to our PEO services, VVR International’s teams can take care of the recruitment of a new Chinese or foreign employee.

Thanks to the expertise of its dedicated VVR RH department, VVR International will search, interview, sort through a unique process and finally select the best talents to offer you the ideal candidate for recruitment. To do this, our teams will carry out a diagnosis of the company and its needs in order to define the profile best suited to the position.

Download our fact sheet on PEO in China.

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Interview with Camille Verchery, in the newletter of the Club Chine de l’EM Lyon

Camille Verchery, Director and Founder of VVR International, discusses the strengths and dynamics of the Chinese market and highlights the opportunities for French companies in an interview with the Club Chine de l’EM Lyon.


First and foremost, Energy has become a strategic sector for China in just a few years. Lacking fossil fuels, the country has invested heavily in research and development of alternatives to increase its independence from the rest of the world. As a result, China is now a leader in wind and photovoltaic energy, as well as nuclear power. It is also a major player in the battery industry and hydrogen technologies.

The challenge for French companies at the forefront of these fields will be to position themselves on the Chinese market, which is hungry for innovative technologies.


The Chinese healthcare market is extremely dynamic. Growth is driven by an aging population and increasing demand for healthcare services. China is keen to benefit from the excellence of foreign companies in this sector and is pursuing an attractive policy.

Finally, the introduction of social security as part of the government’s drive to improve the overall health of the population offers numerous development opportunities for innovative French healthcare and medical device companies.


China has become one of the world’s leading incubators for start-ups. This success is driven by government funding and incentive policies that recognize the critical and strategic role of innovation in the international political and economic game.

In this context, the challenge is to identify the sectors in which France is a leader and to analyze Chinese advances in order to develop strategies that will enable French companies to benefit from them.


Given the current market dynamics and challenges, the international development of companies is often destined to go beyond China. That’s why VVR International co-founded Globallians. Today, this network of partners brings together 16 international development support companies, each specializing in a particular region of the world.

By working together through the Globallians network, these companies are able to help companies expand internationally while providing the expertise needed to address the unique characteristics of each target region.

Read the full interview online on EM Lyon’s LinkedIn page, or click here to download the PDF.

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Here-under, the index rate of raw materials in China throughout the last 6 months.

Available in PDF : Download Newsletter VVR 2019 MAY

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The seventh China Information Technology Expo took place between the 9 and the 11th of April 2019 in Shenzhen. In this event which gathered the World leaders of technologies, the visitors could discover and try the news and innovation like the Youxiaomei robot of the that served cups of tea. Although the exhibitors were from different nationalities, this event was a veritable vitrine for the Chinese progress in this sector.

According to the « made in China 2025 » which objective is to make China become a leader in the high-tech industry, investments are colossal in the Research and Development field. China would like to establish in the Global market of the innovation and strategic sectors. China has the ambition to export their technologies designed and developed nationally in order to put an end to their role of “world factory” that was occupied so far in the international trade. Thus, the high-tech is on the way to become the motor of the Chinese economy. The country counts the strongest growth of the world in the Robotics sector and would largely dominate it in the coming years. Even if the International Robotic Federation (IRF) pointed a delay for China in 2013 based on the number of robots per worker (25 units for 10 000 workers), the progresses were considerable as in 2016 it already counted, 68 robots for 10 000 workers. In 2018, 340 000 were employed in the Chinese factories. The number of companies which activity is linked to the robot construction is rising: in 2017, the country already counted more than 6500. But the Robotics field take off does not only concern Chinese companies, numerous foreign groups interested in the Robotic industry growth and the opportunities that offer the Chinese market set up their manufacturing workshops in China.

In the services sector, the Robotics field records in China the most important growth thanks to the Artificial Intelligence progresses and would represent a market of more than USD 2.9 billion by 2020. The strong enthusiasm of the companies for those technologies fulfils their will of performance and rentability also contributes to the sector dynamism.

Even though the robots are expensive to buy, they quickly permit to make significative cost reduction and improve efficiency. There are a lot of examples of uses in the services sector. The RobotHe restaurants of the Alibaba group only employ robots for the service permitting to increase the speed and save a considerable amount of money from employees. The robots are also used in the post services. Since 2016 they do the parcel sorting for one of the dominating mails operators of the country. In the distribution field, the e-commerce company significatively uses the robotization. It has warehouses all robotized. To deliver the orders, the company also uses robots, drones or autonomous vehicles. Thanks to those innovations, the group has improved its sales performances and delivering times. The robotization extends to the Health field. In some hospitals in Bejing or Shanghai, robots work at the reception desk: they have the capacity of answering thousands of questions and guide the patient to the required service. Operational since 2018, the robot developed by the Chinese group iFlytek is able to identify the diseases and realize the diagnosis. The education field gives way to the Robotics. In 2018, almost 600 nursery schools in China were using the teaching assistant Keeko developed to interact with pupils.

Finally, in the industry field, China is also leader in the Robotics market.  In 2016, the country represented 30% of it. The IRF plans that in 2020, China will use 950 300 robots in their factories and will produce 150000. The country is already a leader in the purchase and the use of robots and is about to lead the design and production.

From the daily life to the industry, the use of robots is massive. There would be approximately 3 million robots in the world in 2020 only in the industrial sector. The Chinese contribution to the development of robotics is huge. This increasing importance shows the change of the country position in the international market: once “workshop of the world”, it is today one of the leaders. The Chinese progress in the field of high technologies is living up to the desire of industrial development and the will of expend its influence in the key areas of the global economy.

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Ci-dessous, une liste des salons qui auront lieu en Chine début 2019. Ne manquez pas ces rendez-vous dans votre secteur d’activité !


3-5 juin –BUILDEX CHINA 2019– Shanghai

3-6 juin –AQUATECH CHINA 2019– Shanghai

3-6 juin –SNEC 13th (2019) International Photovoltaic Power – Shanghai

4-6 juin –TOPWINE CHINA 2019– Beijing

9-11 juin –EC EXPO 2019– Beijing



11-13 juin –The 7th Shanghai International Aviation Services Trade Fair 2019– Shanghai

11-13 juin –FMA CHINA 2019– Shanghai

11-13 juin –INTERNATIONAL CES – ASIA 2019– Shanghai

11-13juin –WIRE & CABLE GUANGZHOU 2019– Guangzhou

11-14 juin –ASIAN ATTRACTIONS EXPO 2019– Shanghai

11-15 juin –DIE & MOULD CHINA 2019– Shanghai

12-13 juin –OPTINET CHINA CONFERENCE 2019– Beijing

12-14 juin –15th Asia International Industrial Automation Exhibition,2019– Beijing

12-14 juin –CIEPEC 2019– Beijing


13-16 juin –ITE & MICE 2019– Hong Kong

15-17 juin –THE KIDS EXPO 2019– Guangzhou

18-20 juin –CPhI & P-MEC China 2019– Shanghai

18-21 juin –CERAMICS CHINA 2019– Guangzhou

19-21 juin –China International Starch and Starch Derivatives Exhibition– Shanghai


20-23 juin –CHINA INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW 2019– Shanghai

20-23 juin –EXPO LEISURE 2019– Shanghai

20-23 juin –HONG KONG JEWELLERY & GEM FAIR 2019– Hong Kong

25-28 juin –BEIJING ESSEN WELDING & CUTTING 2019– Shanghai

26-28 juin –The 19th China (Guangzhou) International Food Exhibitions and Import Food Exhibitions– Guangzhou



26-28 juin –MWC (MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS) SHANGHAI 2019– Shanghai


27-30 juin –ASIA OUTDOOR TRADE SHOW 2019– Nanjing


1-3 juillet –CIAACE 2019– Guangzhou

4-6 juillet –INTERTEXTILE PAVILION SHENZHEN 2019– Shenzhen

5-7 juillet –HONG KONG BAKERY CARNIVAL 2019– Hong Kong

5-7 juillet –ISPO SHANGHAI 2019– Shanghai

5-8 juillet –TAICHUNG WINE & SPIRITS FESTIVAL 2019– Taiwan

5-8 juillet –TCFB 2019– Taiwan

8-11 juillet –HONG KONG FASHION WEEK 2019– Hong Kong

10-12 juillet –ALUMINIUM CHINA 2019– Shanghai

10-13 juillet –PHOTO & IMAGING SHANGHAI 2019– Shanghai

11-13 juillet –CEF – CHINA ELECTRONIC FAIR – CHENGDU 2019– Chengdu

17-19 juillet –CHINA DIECASTING 2019– Shanghai

17-19 juillet –ESBUILD 2019– Shanghai

17-23 juillet –HONG KONG BOOK FAIR 2019– Hong Kong

18-21 juillet –QINGDAO PLASTICS & RUBBER EXPO 2019– Qingdao



24-26 juillet –CBME CHINA 2019– Shanghai

24-26 juillet –COOL KIDS FASHION 2019– Shanghai

25-27 juillet –LUXEHOME SHANGHAI 2019– Shanghai

30 juillet-1 août –CHINA SMART CARD AND RFID TECHNOLOGIES 2019– Shenzhen



15-17 août –HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL TEA FAIR 2019– Hong Kong



19-21 août –The 17th China International TIRE EXPO 2019– Shanghai

21-23 août –CNIBF SHANGHAI 2019– Shanghai

21-25 août –PET FAIR ASIA 2019– Shanghai

22-24 août –CHINA GLASSTEC EXPO – CGE 2019– Guangzhou

23-25 août –CHINA LEATHER 2019– Wenzhou

23-25 août –FISHEX GUANGZHOU 2019– Guangzhou

28-29 août –IBTM CHINA 2019– Beijing

28-29 août –VALVE WORLD EXPO&CONFERENCE ASIA 2019– Shanghai


28-30 août –CFIE 2019– Shanghai



28-30 août –NEPCON SOUTH CHINA (SHENZHEN) 2019– Shenzhen

28-30 août –SBW EXPO – SHANGHAI 2019– Shanghai

28-30 août –10th Shanghai International Catering and Ingredients Exhibition– Shanghai

28-30 août –WORLD SEAFOOD SHANGHAI + SIFSE 2019– Shanghai


30 août-1 septembre –HCI EXPO 2019– Guangzhou

30 août-1 septembre –第十九届国际果蔬•食品博览会– Guangzhou

3-5 septembre –ALL CHINA LEATHER EXHIBITION – ACLE ‘2019– Shanghai


3-5 septembre –SPINEXPO SHANGHAI 2019– Shanghai

3-5 septembre –SEAFOOD EXPO ASIA 2019– Hong Kong

3-7 septembre –HONG KONG WATCH & CLOCK ‘2019– Hong Kong

12-15 septembre –CHINA HELICOPTER EXPOSITION 2019– Tianjin

4-6 septembre –ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2019– Hong Kong

4-6 septembre –CAFE SHOW CHINA 2019– Beijing

4-7 septembre –CENTRESTAGE 2019– Hong Kong

4-7 septembre –CIOE 2019– Shenzhen

9-12 septembre –FMC CHINA 2019– Shanghai

9-12 septembre –FMC PREMIUM 2019– Shanghai

9-12 septembre –FURNITURE CHINA 2019– Shanghai

11-13 septembre –INTERIOR LIFESTYLE CHINA 2019– Shanghai


17-21 septembre –FACTORY AUTOMATION ASIA 2019– Shanghai

17-21 septembre –IAS – INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION SHOW 2019– Shanghai

17-21 septembre –METALWORKING AND CNC MACHINE TOOL SHOW 2019– Shanghai

18-20 septembre –CHINA ADHESIVE 2019– Shanghai

18-20 septembre –CHINA PAPER CHEM+TECH 2019– Shanghai

18-20 septembre –ICIF CHINA 2019– Shanghai

18-20 septembre –LED CHINA 2019– Shanghai

18-20 septembre –RUBBERTEC CHINA 2019– Shanghai

18-20 septembre –SIGN CHINA 2019– Shanghai

18-20 septembre –UWT CHINA 2019– Shanghai

18-20 septembre –WATERCHEM + TECH 2019–  Shanghai

18-20 septembre –AIRPORT & AIR TRAFFIC EXPO CHINA 2019– Beijing

18-20 septembre –AVIATION EXPO CHINA 2019– Beijing

18-20 septembre –WATEREX BEIJING 2019– Beijing

18-20 septembre –SEMICON TAIWAN ‘2019– Taiwan

19-21 septembre –CHINA HORSE FAIR 2019-Beijing

19-21 septembre –VIV CHINA ‘2019– Qingdao


24-26 septembre –AUTOMOTIVE TESTING EXPO CHINA 2019– Shanghai

25-27 septembre –LASER TAIWAN 2019– Taiwan

26-28 septembre –TAIWAN AGRICULTURE WEEK 2019– Taiwan

26-28 septembre –TAIWAN FISHERY AND SEAFOOD SHOW 2019– Taiwan

27-30 septembre –OUTDOOR SHOW 2019– Taiwan




10-13octobre –MUSIC CHINA 2019– Shanghai

16-18 octobre –AGROCHEMEX 2019– Shanghai

16-18 octobre –CHINA KIDS EXPO 2019– Shanghai

16-18 octobre –IPB 2019-Shanghai


17-19 octobre –THS – TAIPEI HARDWARE SHOW 2019– Taiwan

20-23 octobre –HONG KONG MEGA SHOW PART 1 2019-Hong Kong

23-25 octobre –TPCA SHOW 2019-Taiwan

26-28 octobre –CIAME 2019-Qingdao

27-29 octobre –HONG KONG MEGA SHOW PART 2 2019– Hong Kong

30 octobre-1 novembre –ILTM CHINA 2019-Shanghai


1-4  novembre –CCVS – CHINA COMMERCIAL VEHICLES SHOW 2019– Wuhan

15-18 novembre –KAOHSIUNG WINE & SPIRITS FESTIVAL 2019– Taiwan

15-18 novembre –TAIPEI INTERNATIONAL TEA & COFFEE EXPO 2019– Taiwan


15-18 novembre –TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL COFFEE SHOW 2019– Taiwan


15-18 novembre –WINTER CHAIN STORE SHOW 2019– Taiwan

5-7 novembre –ELECTRICAL SHANGHAI 2019– Shanghai

5-9 novembre –EP CHINA 2019– Shanghai

12-14 novembre –METRO CHINA EXPO 2019– Shanghai

13-15 novembre –CIAAR 2019– Shanghai

25-27 novembre –BOILER SHANGHAI 2019– Shanghai

25-27 novembre –HEATEC 2019– Shanghai

25-28 novembre –SWOP 2019– Shanghai

7-9 novembre –VINITALY INTERNATIONAL HONG KONG 2019– Hong Kong

13-15 novembre –COSMOPROF ASIA 2019–          Hong Kong

20-22 novembre –ASIA BLECH 2019–       Chengdu



3-6 décembre –AUTOMECHANIKA SHANGHAI 2019– Shanghai

3-6 décembre –MARINTEC CHINA 2019– Shanghai

11-13 décembre –EDME EXPO 2019– Shanghai

12-13 décembre –TIM EXPO SHANGHAI 2019– Shanghai

9-12 décembre –CINEASIA 2019– Hong Kong

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The VVR International activity in short

Overview of the year 2018 and perspectives for the year 2019

According to Camille Verchery, CEO of VVR International, “2018 was a very interesting year that saw a lot of projects achieved. On the industrial front, the essential of the VVR International activity focused on the negotiation of strategic partnerships and on the support of the negotiations for the creation, the organization and the wage portage of team which will follow the projects and ensure their development. Concerning the B to C, the key mission of VVR International was helping our clients to understand the complexity of the Chinese market from connecting the distribution channels to the building of the team”.

First, about the industrial B to B, the comeback of the Franco-Chinese partnership combining French equipment and needing of a local industrialization of all or part of the production was observed in 2018. This type of partnership shows difficulties for the small and medium-sized businesses. “The set up and the fast rentability are difficult challenges for the companies. Then it is about organizing the distribution to ensure a successful commercial development”. To enter the Chinese market, the realization of a partnership with distributors mastering the product type and sales network is essential. In many sectors such as the pharmaceutical one, the aeronautics, railway or nuclear where most of the actors are Chinese, the partnership is compulsory. Nevertheless, these actors have a limited capacity of production. The association of the industrial competence of the French companies with the knowledge and the skills in the Chinese market for these actors is a relevant strategy of development that benefits to both parts. Frequently used, those partnerships, often capitalistic, enable a local industrialization of the French companies and contribute to the industrial competence-building of the Chinese actors. “The mission of VVR is here to ensure the building of the business model of partnership, the progress of the negotiation.” It is a matter, on one hand, of preventing the risks of technological pillage that the French compagnies would face. On the other part we have to guarantee to the Chinese partner a sustainable benefit. “After the structuration of the partnership, VVR International plays a central role in the recruitment of the team adapted to the ambitions of the project. It is about recruiting a technical but also Franco-Chinese sales competence that will have to quickly be operational to support the different phases of the project”.

About the B to C, the distribution of agri-food, cosmetics, food supplements, household, interior decoration products in China is one of the main activities of VVR International in 2018. The Chinese distribution network is more complex than in Europe. In fact, its organization isn’t limited by the simple division between the Offline and the Online but is composed of other ramifications. The Online sale is for instance divided into market places with other actors like WeChat. This new landscape highlights alternative models of distribution. “VVR International helps the companies to understand the distribution channels, define a strategy and set up a brand which does not go through internet automatically”. If internet can be seen as the channel to privilege for selling a product quickly and at lower cost, it is not always the most adapted channel in this complex network. Its use can present advantages, but the risk of an ephemeral success leading to a durable loss of credibility can be considerable. “The Online channel should be considered as a complex tool to deal with but not as a solution. Without a structured and marketed Offline, the Online can’t be develop in a sustainable way. Once the development strategy is defined, the different distribution channels determined and organized, VVR International helps companies to choose the suitable actors.” Considering the Chinese distribution network spreading, a global knowledge of its work is impossible, and specialized actors for each chosen distribution channel are needed. The team responsible for supervision is then chosen.

“Moreover, thanks to the development of the Talent Acquisition Services department, we help our clients in the recruitment and the skill improvement of their teams. That is why VVR International has invested in a Labor dispatch license and a portage license. Those tools permit to legally recruit the new employee without the burden of hiring him/her in our client’s Chinese legal entity.”

The VVR International activity in the past year traduces the underlying trend of the Chinese market and highlight its new issues. According to the observed evolutions, the VVR International activity in 2018 was focused on the understanding of the Chinese market mechanisms, the strategic diagnosis and support of the implantation of the small and medium-sized French businesses in China. The partnership made with the Région Nouvelle for the set up of companies in China is part of this. VVR International, and our numerous partners & professionals work together to propose solution and support. By combining the will of French companies development with the reality of the Chinese market, they ensure the achievement of their projects. The activity for the year 2019 will be similar with last year’s. It will be based mostly on the negotiation and the support of the implantation project to produce and sell locally and on the development of distribution projects in China of food industry, luxury, cosmetics, medical products fully made in France. The potential comeback of more capitalistic acquisition partnership, less frequent in 2018, would be observed.

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